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How to Get Rid of Black Scars on Legs Fast

How To Remove Dark Spots On Legs: Post-wound marks, scratches, dark spots, mosquito bites, and so many other such scars on your legs may make you feel embarrassed about exposing your legs in short outfits.. No matter how seductive and cute your outfit might be!

You would tend to reach out for only full-length trousers or dresses from your wardrobe, just to keep those annoying scars hidden. Don't worry, you are not alone in this! Such scars are inevitable for all of us. But there are a thing or two that we can do to get rid of stubborn scars on the legs permanently!

In this post, you will learn how to remove dark spots on legs with natural home remedies as well as some great professional products and treatments available that you can use.

These tips will also help you to remove age spots on your face. Age spots or freckles on the skin is a very common skin issue for those in their 40s-50s. They are also commonly known as liver spots. Let's start off with these top tips for how to remove dark spots on legs that are natural yet very effective!

How To Remove Dark Spots On Legs – Best Tips For Dark Spots Removal

1. Remove Dark Spots On Legs With Wild Turmeric Pack

How To Remove Dark Spots On Legs, Remove Scars On Legs, Remove Age Spots On Legs
How To Remove Dark Spots On Legs

A face pack recipe for your legs? Why not I ask!

There is no rule book that says you cannot use a DIY spot removal face pack for your legs! After all, the skin on your face and legs is exactly the same. The natural ingredients that work well on your facial skin would work great on removing dark spots on your legs as well. Try out this wild turmeric pack to lighten dark spots on legs using this one of the topmost ingredients for your skin – from the mother nature!

You will need:

  • 1 tablespoon of Wild Turmeric Powder (available in stores as well as online on Amazon India and
  • 2 tablespoon of Raw Milk

How this turmeric pack will work to get rid of dark spots on legs

Wild turmeric is not like your regular turmeric powder that you use in your kitchen to add a nice colour and flavour to your Indian dishes!

Wild turmeric, which is known as Kasturi Haldi, Ambi Haldi, or Kasturi Manjal, is a wonderful skin lightening, tan removal, and skin rejuvenating ingredient. It naturally comes with anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help you to soothe down the mosquito bites on your legs.

By mentioning "skin lightening", I only want to imply that it can help you to lighten up the scars, dark spots, sun tan, and age spots on your legs. You can use this DIY just like you would use any typical wash-off face pack.

Apply it on the areas where you have the dark spots on your legs and keep it on for about 20-25 minutes. Wash it off with warm water and that's all! Try this easy natural DIY to remove dark spots on legs once a week and you will start to see noticeable results in a month itself!

Get wild turmeric powder on Amazon USA below:

Buy Wild Turmeric Powder

And on Amazon India:

Buy Wild Turmeric Powder on Amazon India

2. Remove Dark Spots On Legs With Vitamin E Oil

How To Remove Dark Spots On Legs, Remove Scars On Legs, Remove Age Spots On Legs
How To Remove Dark Spots On Legs

Vitamin E oil is immensely potent in removing dark spots and scars on skin. With its regular use, you can fade out just any kind of blemishes on your skin quite easily.

You can get vitamin E oil in the form of capsules in any pharmacy. You just need to poke a hole in the capsule to take out the oil. After that, you have to gently massage the vitamin E oil on the areas where you have the blemishes on feet. Use this remedy at night, right before you hit the bed. Doing so will give your skin an ample amount of time to absorb the oil properly and do its magic on your skin.

You can also buy a bottle of Vitamin E oil if it starts working for you. Here's an option: Nature's Bounty Vitamin E Oil

Alternatively, Instead of using Vitamin E oil directly, you may also use any other kind of Vitamin E enriched oil which you might have readily available. Take olive oil or coconut oil for example!

3. Remove Dark Spots On Legs With Exfoliation

How To Remove Dark Spots On Legs, Remove Scars On Legs, Remove Age Spots On Legs
How To Remove Dark Spots On Legs

Exfoliation is always very helpful in reducing dark spots and scars on the skin as it removes the old layers of the skin, i.e. the dead skin cells and promotes the growth of new, healthy skin cells. This process of shedding old, dead skin cells and regenerating new ones is a natural process, but exfoliation just speeds it up for you!

There are three ways to exfoliate your skin.

i) With a Loofah and a Body wash

Take a dollop sized amount of body wash on your loofah and use it to exfoliate your skin with very gentle hands. Don't be harsh with your loofah otherwise your skin might get irritated. Also, I suggest using Sisal fibre loofah instead of traditional polyester net loofahs that we get in the market.

Sisal fibre is natural and very gentle on the skin. I found this pair of mitts that are sisal fibre loofahs.

ii) With a Physical Scrub

Physical scrubs have tiny bits in them that help to exfoliate your skin and slough away the dirt, oil, dead skin cells, etc,. This kind of exfoliation is also referred as manual exfoliation as it requires you to use scrubbing action on your skin.

You can buy a gentle body scrub from the market that can help to remove dark spots on legs. Or, you can make it at home and save some bucks! The best natural scrub that you can make at home is the oatmeal and milk one. Just take raw milk and oatmeal in equal quantities and use the mixture to exfoliate your skin.

If you are not a fan of DIYs, here are some of my suggestions for scrubs:

  • Himalayan Salt Detox Scrub (also works on cellulite)
  • Majestic Pure Arabica Coffee Scrub
  • Brooklyn Botany Brown Sugar Body Scrub

These the best body scrubs available in India (I have used all three of them) :

  • Boutique Bio Papaya Revitalizing Scrub (my favorite pick if you want something super affordable yet effective!)
  • WOW Skin Science – Amazon Rainforest Collection – Rain Forest Acai Scrub
  • mCaffeine Body Scrub (current favourite)

Make sure that you don't exfoliate more than twice a week otherwise your skin will end up being really sensitive and dry.

iii) With a Chemical Scrub

Acid scrub or chemical scrub may sound a bit scary, but don't worry – once you would do a proper research about them, you will not find them intimidating. In fact, they are so much in demand by skincare junkies right now.

A chemical scrub is made up of gentle acids that "remove the top layers of the skin by weakening the lipids that bond them together, thus removing dull and dead skin cells and revealing healthy skin cells." (Source: Dendy Engelman, M.D /

There are different types of chemicals that are used in such scrubs. The most popular one is glycolic acid which is not suitable for those with dry skin. People with dry skin can use lactic acid based chemical exfoliant to remove dark spots on legs.

Here are some top chemical scrubs you can find online to remove dark spots on legs:

Top Chemical Scrubs To Remove Dark Spots - How To Remove Dark Spots On Legs
Top Chemical Scrubs To Remove Dark Spots – How To Remove Dark Spots On Legs
Olay Regenerist Microdermabrasion & Peel System Microdermabrasion Treatment

Check Price on Amazon

Glo Skin Beauty Pumpkin Enzyme Scrub

Check Price on Amazon

Pixi Glow Tonic

Check Price on Amazon

The Ordinary Lactic Acid 5% + Ha 2%

Check Price on Amazon

DERMALOGICA Daily Microfoliant

Check Price on Amazon

Innisfree Green Barley Gommage Peeling Mask

Check Price on Amazon

P.S. – it isn't recommended to use chemical scrubs on active acne, wounds, or mosquito bites as they might irritate them further. Use the scrubs only to remove dark spots on legs or scars / sun tan.

4. Remove Dark Spots On Legs With Natural Ubtans

How To Remove Dark Spots On Legs, Remove Scars On Legs, Remove Age Spots On Legs
How To Remove Dark Spots On Legs

Ubtans are age-old Indian beauty secrets that are alive and much-praised to this date. In simple terms, ubtans are home-made packs for your skin that are made with natural ingredients. They are usually made in a powdered form and during their use, one can add milk, plain water or rose water – just either of these liquid mediums to make a thick paste which can be used on the skin.

Try out the following natural ubtans to remove dark spots and scars on legs:

Gram Flour, Turmeric, Curd and Lemon Ubtan

How To Remove Dark Spots On Legs - with natural ubtans | Skin Lightening Ubtan With Gramflour


  • 2 tablespoons of Gram Flour
  • 1 teaspoon of Turmeric (preferably wild turmeric)
  • 1 tablespoon of Curd (yoghurt)
  • Half lemon juice
Red Lentils and Milk Ubtan

How To Remove Dark Spots On Legs - with natural ubtans | DIY Sandalwood Powder & Rosewater Ubtan


  • 2 tablespoons of Powdered Red Lentils
  • 1 tablespoon of Milk
Sandalwood Powder and Rose Water Ubtan

How To Remove Dark Spots On Legs - with natural ubtans | DIY Sandalwood Powder & Rosewater Ubtan


  • 1 tablespoon of Sandalwood Powder
  • 1 tablespoon of Rose Water

Also Read: How To Remove Sun Tan From Neck With Home Remedies

5. Remove & Soothe Mosquito Bites On Legs With Essential Oils

How To Remove Dark Spots On Legs, Remove Scars On Legs, Remove Age Spots On Legs
How To Remove Dark Spots On Legs

Don't even get me started about mosquito bites – they are just plainly annoying!

I live in a place which is almost a jungle, so my home gets infested with mosquitoes every now and then. Most of the times, I get mosquito bites on my legs and they end up turning into weird purple scars.

I have found out that essential oils work very effectively in soothing itchy mosquito bites! They provide you instant relief and also reduce the swelling on the bites. Here are some of the best essential oils for mosquito bites:

  • Tea Tree Essential Oil
  • Rosemary Essential Oil
  • Peppermint Essential Oil
  • Neem Essential Oil

6. Remove Dark Spots On Legs With Scar Removal Creams

How To Remove Dark Spots On Legs, Remove Scars On Legs, Remove Age Spots On Legs
How To Remove Dark Spots On Legs

If nothing else is working for your dark spots on legs, you should consider seeing a dermatologist. They will recommend you the best scar removal creams or treatments that would surely help you to remove dark spots. There are some over the counter scar creams for dark spots and oils available in the market that you can buy without a prescription. Here are some of them;

Best Scar Removal Products For Dark Spots

Best Scar Removal Products For Dark Spots - How To Remove Dark Spots On Legs
Best Scar Removal Products For Dark Spots – How To Remove Dark Spots On Legs
Bio Oil

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Bio oil is a natural oil which is formulated with the use of plant-based oils and vitamins that penetrate deep into the skin and nourish it from within. This unique oil is especially acclaimed for preventing as well as reducing stretch marks on the skin. Furthermore, its scar lightening properties are also quite effective in evening-out the skin tone and fading away dark spots on the skin.

You can also buy Bio Oil on Amazon India –

Check Price On Amazon India

Mederma Advanced Scar Gel

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This dermatologists-recommended scar removal product comes with a natural botanical extract named Cepalin which is derived from onions. The gel treats the scars and spots on the skin by reliving skin irritation as well as preventing overproduction of scar tissues.

Mederma Gel is available on Amazon India as well.

SmoothRx Fierce Stretch Mark + Scar Cream

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The name explains it all! S moothRx Fierce Stretch Mark + Scar Creamis a moisturizing cream that heals stretch marks and scars. It has skin benefiting natural ingredients like Shea butter, mango butter, cocoa butter, aloe vera gel, citrus oils, etc, that are a treat to your skin!

Also Read: Best 9 Home Remedies To Cure Acne

HoneyDew Scar Removal Cream

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This product is truly a magic in a tub! The HoneyDew Scar Removal Creamenhances the collagen elastin production in the skin, thus leading to new skin cells regeneration and fading away the scars. It comes power packed with vitamin A rich rosehip seed oil and many other nourishing ingredients from the mother nature.

Kelo-cote Gel

Check Price on Amazon

Kelo-cote Gelis a scar removal product that has a unique, patented formula. It reduces the appearance of scars and dark spots with its self-drying silicone technology.

For a more effective and fast treatment, you may also use a skin bleaching cream for scars on legs. Although, try to give priority to natural products first!

7. Professional Scar And Dark Spots Removal Treatments For Legs

How To Remove Dark Spots On Legs, Remove Scars On Legs, Remove Age Spots On Legs
How To Remove Dark Spots On Legs

i) Dermabrasion For Dark Spots On Legs

In Dermabrasion treatment, the upper layer of your skin is exfoliated using a rotating diamond wheel or a rotating wire brush. This treatment is done by only qualified surgeons. It removes the top layer of the skin and encourages the growth of new skin cells. This treatment is best to remove age spots on legs and from the other parts of your body.

ii) Laser Treatment For Dark Spots On Legs

Similarly, In a laser treatment to remove dark spots on legs, the scar tissues are burnt, thus, encouraging skin cells regeneration.

iii) Chemical Peels For Dark Spots On Legs

Don't get confused! Chemical scrubs and chemical peels are two different things. Chemical scrubs can be used by anyone at home, but chemical peels are recommended to be used by professionals only. This method is particularly useful for reducing hyperpigmentation and age spots on legs.

Out of all of these different ways to remove scars on legs, I feel that using a chemical scrub would give you the best and faster results. Just make sure that whichever chemical scrub you buy, you do a patch test first before using it on your skin.

Also, don't use it on active wounds, scratches or acne else your skin might get badly irritated! Besides that, using a cream to remove dark spots on legs is also a great option!

I hope that you all find this post about the best tips for dark spots removal on legs helpful! If you know of any other working remedies to remove dark spots on legs then please do share them with me and the readers in the comments section below. Also, if you have tried any of the remedies mentioned in this post, don't forget to share your feedback.

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How to Get Rid of Black Scars on Legs Fast
