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If Josh Has 5 Different Pairs of Socks

Упражнения по теме «Артикль»

1.Употребление неопределенного артикля

1. There is … table opposite the chair. … table is very nice.
a) a/A
b) the/A
c) -/The
d) a/The

2. … cat (подразумевается: любая кошка) likes purring. My cat liked meowing as well.
a) The
b) –
c) An
d) A

3. She is so unsociable. She has only … few (несколько) close friends. What … pity!
a) a/a
b) the/the
c) a/-
d) the/a

4. Let's have … smoke! - It's … shame! You still smoke … cigars!
a) a/a/-
b) the/the/-
c) -/-
d) a/the/the

5. Why are you always in … hurry? Because … time is … money.
a) the/the/the
b) a/a/a
c) a/-/-
d) -/-/-

6. Please give me … book to read. – Which one? – … book that is on your left.
a) a/The
b) a/A
c) the/A
d) A/A

7. Do you have … car? No, I prefer going on … foot or by …bus.
a) a/a/a
b) the/the/the
c) a/-/the
d) a/-/-

8. She's … citizen of …USA.
a) a/a
b) a/-
c) the/the
d) a/the

9. My husband works as … pilot. It means that I can go by … air at a low price.
a) a/-
b) a/a
c) the/the
d) -/-

10. Do you read any newspapers? – Yes I read …"Times" and … "Komsomol".
a) a/a
b) -/-
c) the/the
d) the/a

1. d
2. d
3. a
4. a
5. c
6. a
7. d
8. d
9. a
10. c

2. Употребление определенного артикля

1. It's an ancient table. … table was designed by a famous designer in 1966.
a) An
b) A
c) The
d) –

2. He is … third person who has failed to release (не удалось раскрыть) a parachute.
a) the
b) a
c) –
d) an

3. I wanted to be … barber but now I work at … butcher's.
a) the/the
b) a/the
c) a/a
d) -/the

4. … African elephant (вид этих животных) is not about to die out (вымирать). It's nothing more than … fib (не более, чем выдумка).
a) a/the
b) the/a
c) the/-
d) -/a

5. … milk that I bought in the supermarket turned sour in just … day.
a) the/the
b) a/a
c) -/-
d) the/a

6. …Sun never rises in …West. - Really? To tell … truth I didn't know it.
a) a/the/a
b) the/the/the
c) a/a/a
d) -/a/the

7. She is … very poor woman. We have to raise money for her because we ought to help … poor.
a) the/the
b) a/a
c) a/the
d) -/the

8. I like … Ivanovs (про семью). They are … very united family.
a) the/a
b) a/a
c) -/a
d) a/the

9. My city is … most beautiful city.
a) –
b) the
c) a/the
d) a

10. When will be … next stop. There won't be any stops any more. It was … last stop.
a) a/a
b) a/the
c) the/the
d) the/-

1. c
2. a
3. b
4. b
5. d
6. b
7. c
8. a
9. c (a most beautiful city – чрезвычайно красивый город, the most beautiful city – самый красивый город).
10. C

3. Упражнения по теме «Артикль»

Вставьте правильный артикль

1. "Is this your ... friend?" — "No, it isn't my ... friend, it is my sister".
2. I have a sister. My ... sister is a teacher. My sister's ... husband is a pilot.
3. I have no ... car.
4. She has got a terrible … headache.
5. They have a dog and two ... cats.
6. My ... cousin says he is going to be a manager one ... day.
7. Would you like an apple?
8. This is a tree. The tree is green.
9. I can see three ... children. The children are playing in the yard.
10. I have a car. The car is white. My ... friend has no ... car.

Вставьте артикли в пословицах, если требуется

1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
2. The appetite comes with eating.
3. A good beginning makes a good ending.
4. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
5. Among the blind the one-eyed man is king.
6. Brevity is the soul of wit.
7. A cat has nine lives.
8. Charity begins at home.
9. Clothes make the man.
10. Curiosity killed the cat.

Вставьте вместо пропусков правильные артикли - определенные, неопределенные или же нулевые. Под нулевыми понимается отсутствие, какого бы то ни было артикля.

  • 1. Many people have … pets. – У многих людей есть домашние питомцы.

  • 2. We have … big garden in … country. My granny used to work in … the garden. – За городом у нас есть большой сад. Моя бабушка привыкла работать в саду.

  • 3. Elisabeth knows how to knit … pullovers. – Элизабет умеет вязать пуловеры (= свитеры).

  • 4. Mary knows how to cook … soup. – Мэри знает, как сварить суп (= умеет варить суп).

  • 5. My cousin doesn`t like … tomato juice. – Моя двоюродная сестра не любит томатный сок.

  • 6. At … beginning of June Sarah goes on … holiday. – В начале июня Сара уйдет в отпуск.

  • 7. They will play … chess if … weather is rainy. – Они будут играть в шахматы, если погода будет дождливой.

  • 8. Harry made … mistakes in … test. … most mistakes were corrected. – Гарри сделал ошибки в контрольной работе. Большинство ошибок было исправлено.

  • 9. John told them … road was closed. – Джон сказал им, что дорога закрыта.

  • 10. It is past … time Jane usually goes to school. – Время, когда Джейн обычно выходит в школу, прошло.

  • 11. There was … big palm tree in front of … their window. – Напротив их окна росла большая пальма.

  • 12. Could you bring … coffee and … milk for me and … green tea for my companion, please! – Вы не могли бы принести кофе и молоко для меня и зеленый чай для моего спутника?

Ответы :1. -. 2. A, the, the. 3. -. 4. A. 5. –. 6. The, -. 7. -, the. 8. -, the, the. 9. The. 10. The. 11. A, -. 12. -,

4. Упражнения по теме «Образование множественного числа существительных»

1. Write in plurals  (поставьте следующие существительные во множественное число)

a.     diary –

b.     sheep–

c.      book –

d.     cherry –

e.      fish –

f.       baby –

g.     key

h.     match –

i.       bus –

j.       watch –

What are these irregular plurals  (напишите во множественном числе существительные исключения)

a.     woman –

b.     mouse –

c.      tooth –

d.     foot –

e.      man –

f.       child –

g.     goose –

h.     ox –

Write in singular (поставьте следующие существительные в единственное число)

a.     glasses –

b.     potatoes –

c.      forget-me-nots –

d.     crises –

e.      stimuli –

f.       foxes –

g.     brushes –

h.     brothers-in-law –

i.       phenomena –

j.       formulae –

k.     data -


1.     Write in plurals

k.     diary – diaries

l.       sheep – sheep

m.  book – books

n.     cherry – cherries

o.     fish – fish

p.    baby – babies

q.     key - keys

r.      match – matches

s.      bus – buses

t.       watch – watches

What are these irregular plurals

i.       woman – women

j.       mouse – mice

k.     tooth – teeth

l.       foot – feet

m.  man – men

n.     child – children

o.     goose – geese

p.    ox – oxen

Write in singular

l.       glasses – glass

m.  potatoes – potato

n.     forget-me-nots – forget-me-not

o.     crises – crisis

p.    stimuli – stimulus

q.     foxes – fox

r.      brushes – brush

s.      brothers-in-law – brother-in-law

t.       phenomena – phenomenon

u.     formulae – formula

v.     data - datum

5. Тестовое задание на повторение

Поставьте предложенные существительные в форму множественного числа

Boy, gymnasium, river, salmon, calf, man, sheep, sea, cup, book, magazine, dog, ox, box, person, tree, essay, mouse, half, child, computer, wish, chief, inch, lady, monkey, leaf, foot, tooth, girl, radius, class, wife, wave, passer-by, city, sister-in-law, loaf, analysis, louse, swine, datum, proof, shelf, looker-on, axis, bacterium, knife, forget-me-not, basis, nucleus, pan, wolf, grown-up, crisis, appendix, formula, phenomenon, woman, man driver, criterion, moose, goose, hat, spacecraft, series, analysis, spoon, deer, bus-stop, teapot, louse, index, window, bee, story, focus, locus, mountain, armchair, police.

Ответы : Boys, gymnasia, rivers, salmon, calves, men, sheep, seas, cups, books, magazines, dogs, oxen, boxes, people, trees, essays, mice, halves, children, computers, wishes, chiefs, inches, ladies, monkeys, leaves, feet, teeth, girls, radii, classes, wives, waves, passer-bys, cities, sisters-in-law, loaves, analyses, lice, swine, data, proofs, shelves, lookers-on, axes, bacteria, knives, forget-me-nots, bases, nuclei, pans, wolves, grown-ups, crises, appendixes, formulae, phenomena, woman, men drivers, criteria, moose, geese, hats, spacecraft, series, analyses, spoons, deer, bus-stop, teapots, lice, indexes, windows, bees, stories, foci, loci, mountains, armchairs, police.

Закончите предложения, принимая во внимание числовую форму подлежащих и связанных с ними сказуемых

1. The red shorts … not yours. – Красные шорты не твои.
2. Mathematics … John`s favorite subjects. – Математика – любимый предмет Джона.
3. Where … her new tights? – Где ее новые колготки?
4. The Moscow team … not very friendly. – Московская команда не очень дружелюбна.
5. The audience … listening to him with interest. – Аудитория слушала его с интересом.
6. Jane didn`t know what to choose – … green jeans or … yellow trousers.  – Джейн не знала, что выбрать: зеленые джинсы или желтые брюки.
7. Sarah can`t find her scissors. Does anybody know where … are? – Сара не может найти свои ножницы. Кто-нибудь знает, где они?
8. Robert bought … goods in Germany. – Роберт приобрел тот товар в Германии.
9. … surroundings make Mary mad. – Это окружение сводит Мэри с ума.
10. Their government … trying to find the optimal way out. – Их правительство пытается найти наиболее благоприятный выход.
11. … Trousers … bought for Jane`s sister. – Эти брюки были куплены для сестры Джейн.
12. Give her some simply advice! She needs… .-Дай ей несколько простых советов! Они ей необходимы.

Ответы : 1. Are. 2. Is. 3. Are. 4. Are. 5. Were. 6. -, -. 7. They. 8. Those. 9. These. 10. Are. 11. These, were. 12.

6. Упражнения по теме «Сравнительная степень прилагательных»

1.Выберите правильную часть речи (прилагательное или наречие) и закончите предложения

1 Jane`s answer wasn`t (correct, correctly). – Ответ Джейн был неправильным.
2 The pupils have to spell English words (correct, correctly). – Учащиеся должны правильно произносить по буквам английские слова.
3 It was (cold, coldly) in the garden. – В саду было холодно.
4 Your wife looks very (cold, coldly) at my sister. – Твоя жена смотрит очень холодно на мою сестру.
5 It was not so (warm, warmly) a day before yesterday. – Позавчера было не так тепло.
6 Her husband can cook very (good, well). – Ее муж умеет очень хорошо готовить.
7 James` idea was (good, well). – Идея Джеймса была хорошей.
8 His neighbors never greet us (warm, warmly). – Его соседи никогда нас тепло не приветствуют.
9 Barbara can translate these texts (easy, easily). – Барбара с легкостью может перевести эти тексты.
10 His task wasn`t (easy, easily). – Его задание было нелегким.

2.Поставьте предложенные в скобках прилагательные в соответствующую форму (степень сравнения) и закончите предложения

1 Mary is (young) than her sister Jane. – Мэри младше, чем ее сестра Джейн.
2 Barbara is (young) of four sisters. - Барбара-самая младшая из четырех сестер.
3 John is (clever) than his friend Bob. – Джон умнее своего друга Боба.
4 Richard is (clever) boy in this group. - Ричард- самый умный мальчик в этой группе.
5 Sirius is (bright) than the polar star. – Сириус ярче полярной звезды.
6 The polar star is (bright) star in the north hemisphere. – Полярная звезда является самой яркой звездой в северном полушарии.
7 The bedroom is (dark) than the kitchen. – Спальня темнее кухни.
8 The wallpapers in the hall are (dark) ones in our flat. – Обои в прихожей самые темные в нашей квартире.
9 Your answer was (unusual) than the answer of her son. – Твой ответ был более необычным, чем ответ ее сына.
10 Elisabeth suggested (unusual) way out. - Элизабет предложила наиболее необычный (самый необычный) выход из ситуации

3.Вставьте предложенные прилагательные в соответствующей форме (степени сравнения)

1 My hat is (grey), but your cap is (grey). – Моя шляпа серая, но твоя кепка более серая.
2 This green tea is (hot), but that black tea is (hot). – Этот зеленый чай горячий, но тот черный чай горячее.
3 This book is (interesting), but that book is (interesting). – Эта книга интересная, но та книга еще интереснее.
4 This ball is (dirty), but that ball is (dirty). – Этот мяч грязный, но тот мяч еще грязнее.
5 This pig is very (fat), but the pig of our neighbor is (fat). – Эта свинья жирная, но свинья нашего соседа жирнее.
6 Our classroom is (large), but the aula is much (large). - Наша классная комната большая, но актовый зал намного больше.
7 His mother is (lucky), but his sister is (lucky). - Его мать счастлива, но его сестра счастливее.
8 Your car is (well appointed), but my car is (well appointed). – Твоя машина хорошо оборудована, но моя машина оборудована лучше.

7. Степень сравнения прилагательных

1. This voyage is … dangerous than the previous one.
a) more
b) much
c) a more
d) far

2. I have met … girl in the world recently.
a) the most pretty
b) the prettiest
c) more prettier
d) pretty

3. You look … than you looked 2 years ago. What's wrong?
a) the worst
b) badder
c) bad
d) worse

4. This actor is already old. He's not … tall … he used to be.
a) as/as
b) is/as
c) as/so
d) too/as

5. When will you be back? – I'll return … .
a) later
b) the late
c) latest
d) more later

6. The … you will make an agreement, the … we will be free.
a) soon/soon
b) sooner/sooner
c) more/more
d) so/so

7. I want a much … ( намного меньший ) piece of pie. And I want the … ( самый маленький ) one.
a) less/least
b) little/least
c) more little/least
d) less/most little

8. That river is four times … long …this one. = That river is 4 times longer than this one.
a) as/so
b) not/more than
c) as/as
d) too/than

9. Where is … hospital? Go … along the street and you'll find it.
a) the near/much far
b) nearest/further
c) near/far
d) the nearest/further

10. In your viewpoint who is … actor at all time?
a) better
b) goodest
c) the goodest
d) the best

Ответы :
1. a
2. b
3. d
4. a
5. a
6. b
7. a
8. c
9. d
10. D

8. Употребление прилагательных

1.Вставьте прилагательные  по смыслу (в скобках дана подсказка: синонимы)

Small – маленький
Cosy – уютный
Own - собственный
Tasty – вкусный
Free – свободный
Fresh – свежий
Lovely – милый, красивый
Large – большой

1. I live in a … (not big) but … (beautiful) city near the brook.
2. My house is not small. It's … (big) and very … (comfortable). On the whole, I've got 3 bedrooms and 2 living-rooms.
3. When I wake up early in the morning I have a … (delicious) pie cooked by my sister and drink … (recently squeezed) fruit juice.
4. Then I make my way to work. I have my … (proper, it belongs to me) company so my job is not full-time.
5. I can leave my private office whenever I want and be … (not busy, not occupied).

Smart – умный
Spendthrift – неэкономный
Active – активный
Expensive – дорогой
True – преданный
Funny – забавный
Courageous – смелый
Ashamed – пристыженный

6. In general, I'm very … (energetic) person – I can't sit behind the desk all the time. It bores me and makes me sad.
7. I'm always … (brave, fearless) and eager to do everything that I think risky and … (not dull, humorous).
8. My friends say that I'm not only an intelligent and … (clever) person, but also a… (loyal, faithful) companion.
9. I love traveling and spend much money on it. All trips are usually very … (not cheap) nowadays.
10. I agree with every person who says that I'm … (not thrifty, uneconomical) and I'm not … of it.

11. As to my appearance, I'm … (not tall) and I have long… (not dark) hairs.
12. I have good and … (not weak) eyes. I'm … (not fat, skinny) and beautiful.
13. In character I'm … (quiet) and …(tolerant).
14. But sometimes I can be … (idle, inactive) and … (selfish, egoistic).
15. But that's okay because nobody is … (ideal).

Strong – хорошее зрение
Easy-going –
легкий ( по характеру )
Blond –
Slim –
Short –
Self-centered –
Calm –
Lazy –
Perfect –

Ответы :
1. small/lovely
2. large/cozy
3. tasty/fresh
4. own
5. free

6. active
7. courageous/funny
8. smart/true
9. expensive
10. Spend thrift/a shamed

11. short/blond
12. strong/slim
13. calm/easy-going
14. lazy/self-centered
15. perfect

9. Упражнения по теме «Глагол to be »

1. Вставьте формы глагола to be в Present Simple.

1. What … your name? — My name … Shirley Frank. 2. What … your address? — My address … 175 Grand Central Parkway. 3. What … your phone number? — My phone number … 718-1930. 4. Where … you from? — I … from New York. 5. I … a pupil. 6. My father … not a teacher, he … a scientist. 7. … your aunt a doctor? — Yes, she … . 8. … they at home? — No, they … not at home, they … at work. 9. My brother … a worker. He … at work. 10. … you an engineer? — Yes, I … .11. … your sister a typist? — No, she … not a typist, she … a student. 12. … your brother at school? — Yes, he … . 13. … your sister at school? — No, she … not at school. 14. My sister … at home. 15. … this your watch? — Yes, it … . 16. She … an actress. 17. This … my bag. 18. My uncle … an office worker. 19. He … at work. 20. Helen … a painter. She has some fine pictures. They … on the walls. She has much paper. It … on the shelf.The shelf … brown. It … on the wall. Helen has a brother. He … a student. He has a family. His family … not in St. Petersburg, it … in Moscow.

2.Каким русским предложениям соответствуют английские предложения:

1. Если погода будет хорошая, мы будем играть на открытом воздухе. 2. Если бы погода была хорошая (вчера), мы бы играли на открытом воздухе. 3. Если бы пог7ода была хорошая (сегодня, завтра) мы бы играли на открытом воздухе.

А) If the weather had been fine, we should have played outside. В) If the weather is fine, we shall play outside. С) If the weather were fine, we should play outside.

10. Упражнения на повторение №1

Упражнение 1.

The verb to be. Insert appropriate present forms.

A:Hi, Alex. How (1) _________ you?

B: Hello David. I (2) _________ fine and how (3) _________ you doing?

A: I (4) _________doing fine.

B: How (5) _________ your sister? Where (6) _________she now?

A: She (7) _________ in London. She (8) _________learning English there.

B: Really? That (9) _________wonderful! How about your parents?

A; They (10) _________ fine too. They (11) _________ in Cyprus now.

B: (12) _________ you busy tonight?

A: Not really, why?

B: We (13) _________ having a party. Would you like to come?

A: I'd love to. B: Then come to our place at 7:00 p.m.

Упражнение 2

Write in is /are

1. How much ________ the trousers?

2. How much ________ these shorts?

3. How much ________ a pair of socks?

4. How much ________ this scarf?

5. How much ________ this dress?

6. How much ________ the jeans?

Упражнение 3
1.Translate the words in brackets into English. (Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык).

1.Jim and Jill (являются) ____________good friends.

2.My brother would like (быть) _____________brave.

2.Put in the necessary negative form of the verb to be. (Вставь необходимую отрицательную форму глагола to be .)

1.She _______ my sister.

2.Where _______ you from?

3.His old brother ______ brave and clever.

4.The cat _____ little but clever.

5.How old ______ your granny?

6.He __________ from Moscow.

7.I ______ pupil.

8.They ______ at school now.

9.His father _____ at home.

11. Упражнения на повторение №2

1. Выбери нужную форму « to be ».

1. They _____ nice rabbits.

2. I ____ a pupil.

3. He ______ brave and strong.

4. It ______ a nice song.

5. You _______ doctors.

2. Открой скобки, поставив глагол в нужной форме.

1. She ________ (see) six ducks.

2. Bob _________ (like) his funny dog.

3. We __________ (want) ice-cream.

4. I _________ (can) run and jump.

5. My horse ________ (like) carrots.

3. Выбери глагол have/has.

1. I _________ got a sister.

2. We _______ got 5 cars.

3. He ________ got a new toy.

4. She _________ got a bike.

5. They _________ got a big house.

4. Выбери there is или there are.

1. ____________ a lot of books on the table.

2. ____________ a cat under the bed.

3. ____________ a boy in the room?

4. ____________ many apples on the tree?

5. ____________ (not) a toy in the box.

5. Напиши слова во множественном числе.

1. a dress – _________

2. a tooth – _________

3. a lake – _________

4. a boy – _________

5. a man – _________

6. a family – _________

6. Составь предложения .

1. aunt / my / table tennis / play / to / likes.

2. like / does / not / Bob / play / to / tennis.

3. you / play / can / basketball?

4. cow / your / is / brown?

5. like / I / to / ride / a big wheel / on.


1. 1. are; 2. am; 3. is; 4. is; 5. are

2. 1. sees; 2. likes; 3. want; 4. can; 5. likes

3. 1. have; 2. have; 3. has; 4. has; 5. have

4. 1. there are; 2. there is; 3. Is there; 4. Are there; 5.there isn't

5. 1. dresses; 2. teeth; 3. lakes; 4. boys; 5. men; 6. families


1. My aunt likes to play table tennis.
2. Bob does not like to play tennis.
3. Can you play basketball?
4. Is your cow brown?
5. I like to ride on a big wheel.

12. Упражнения на повторение №3

I. Put a preposition from the box into the gaps.

At / without / on / to / about

1. I am worried ….. the exam.

2. She is good ….. singing.

3. She climbs ….. ropes.

4. What is …..TV tonight.

5. Well, let's go ….. the cinema.

Answers: 1. about; 2. at; 3. without; 4. on; 5. to.

II. Put do, don't, does or doesn't into the gaps.

1. … like red roses? Yes, I …..

2. …..he work for Toyota? Yes, he …..

3. …..she go to the supermarket on Monday? No, she …..

4. ….. you learn English on Saturdays? No, I …..

5. …..they drive to work? Yes, they …..

Answers: 1. Do/Yes, I do; 2. Does/Yes, he does; 3. Does/No, she doesn't; 4. Do/No, I don't; 5. Do/Yes, they do

III. Write is / are in the gaps.

1. Where ….. you from?

2. What …. this?

3. …..they from Italy?

4. What ….. your telephone number?

5. … a secretary?

Answers: 1. are; 2. is; 3. are;; 5. are.

IV. Put have/has in the gaps.

1. What pets …..people got?

2. Ann ….. many friends at school.

3. Nina …..a blue dress.

4. All boys and girls in the class ….. books and pens.

5. His cat ….. three kittens.

Answers: 1. have; 2. has; 3. has; 4. have; 5. has.

V. Choose the correct verb.

1. At weekends Ali cook/cooks dinner for his friends.

2. When does/do you get up?

3. Andrew and I like/likes playing tennis.

4. Tom have/has lunch at work.

5. John lives/live in London.

Answers: 1. cooks; 2. do; 3. like; 4. has; 5. lives.

VI. Complete the sentences using the superlative form of the adjective.

1. That house is very old.  Yes, __________________ in the village.

2. The Ritz is a very expensive hotel. Yes, __________________ in London.

3. Hambledon is a very pretty village. Yes, _________________ in England.

4. Everest is a very high mountain. Yes, ____________________ in the world.

5. This is a very easy exercise. Yes, _________________ in the book.

Answers: 1. Yes, it's the oldest house in the village. 2. Yes, it's the most expensive hotel in London. 3. Yes, it's the prettiest village in England. 4. Yes, it's the highest mountain in the world. 5. Yes, it's the easiest exercise in the book.

VII. Put There is/There are in the gaps.

1. …..a big tree in the garden.

2. …. a lot of accidents on this road.

3. …..a good film on TV tonight.

4. ….. 11 players in a football team.

5. …..a train at 11.30.

6. …..some big trees in the garden.

7. …..a man on the roof.

Answers: 1. There is; 2. There are; 3. There is; 4. There are; 5. There is; 6. There are; 7.There is; 8. There are.

13. Составьте предложения

1. A, and, pencil, pen, a I, take.
2. Geology, man, that, studies.
3. Take, plans, friends, his.
4. Maps, I, the, see.
5. My, bag, take.
6. It, in, put, maps, my.
7. Table, on, it, the, put.
8. Me, a, give, pencil, black.
9. Box, open, the.
10. Boxes, he, the, opens.
11. Box, men, the, take, let, that.
12. Apple, an, me, let, take.
13. His, Nick, the, takes, maps, them, in, bag, and, puts.
14. On, notebook, put, the, table, that.
15. Bag, Helen, a, me, good, gives.
16. Woman, see, a, we.
17. I, five, children, see.
18. A, his, and, notebooks, puts, child, the, in, pencils, bag.
19. Well, study, children, the.
20. They, mathematics, study.

14. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык

1 Сейчас Энн выглядит еще печальнее, чем утром.
2 Пятое мая был самым плохим днем в его жизни.
3 Я не могу быть счастливее.
4 Комната моего брата больше моей (комнаты).
5 Ваш сын – самый вежливый мальчик из всех, кого нам довелось увидеть.
6 Ты должен взять самую тяжелую сумку.
7 Питер – это мой старший брат.
8 Бабушка Джеймса старше его дедушки.
9 Твое кресло удобнее моего стула.
10 Он самый известный архитектор в нашем городе.
11 Где находится ближайшая автобусная остановка?
12 Этот журнал менее известный, чем «Ньюсуик».
13 Диаметр Земли больше диаметра Луны.
14 Этот рабочий более занятой, чем тот.
15 Твой кот жирнее моей собаки.
16 Его дом – самый красивый дом в поселке.
17 Твои волосы хороши, но ее волосы лучше.
18 Джон самый маленький (по росту) в их классе.
19 Климат здесь мягче.
20 Это самый короткий путь до нашего бассейна.


1 Now Ann looks sadder than in the morning.
2 The 5th of May was the worst day of his life.
3 I can`t be happier.
4 My brother`s room is bigger than mine.
5 Your son is the politest boy we`ve ever seen.
6 You have to take the heaviest bag.
7 Peter is my elder brother.
8 James` grandma is older than his grandpa.
9 Your armchair is more comfortable than my chair.
10 He is the most famous architect in our town.
11 Where is the nearest bus-stop?
12 This magazine is less well-known than «Newsweek».
13 The diameter of the Earth is bigger than the diameter of the Moon.
14 This worker is busier than that one.
15 Your cat is fatter than my dog.
16 His house is the most beautiful house in the village.
17 Your hair is good, but her hair is better.
18 John is the shortest boy in their class.
19 The climate is softer here.
20 It is the shortest way to our swimming-pool.

15. Sports. Определите виды спорта .

1. golf 2. gymnastics 3. Parachuting 4. skate

5. karate 6.volleyball 7. boxing 8. archery

9. running 10. Canoe 11.cycling 12. soccer

13. rugby 14. swimming 15. table tennis 16. water polo

17. weight Lifting 18. windsurfing 19. long jump 20. fencing

21. baseball 23. Tennis 24. bowling

25. horse Racing 26. badminton 27. hockey 28. skiing

29. parachuting 30. motorcycle Racing


1. гольф- 2. гимнастика 3. прыжки с парашютом 4. скейт
5. каратэ 6.волейбол 7. бокс 8. стрельба из лука
9. бег 10. Каноэ 11. Велоспорт 12. футбол
13. регби 14. плавание 15. настольный теннис 16. водное поло
17. гиревой спорт18. виндсерфинг 19. прыжок в длину 20. фехтование
21. бейсбольная22.баскетбол 23. теннисный 24. Боулинг

25. скачки 26. бадминтон 27. хоккей 28. катание на лыжах
29. парашютный спорт 30. гонки на мотоциклах

If Josh Has 5 Different Pairs of Socks
